
Sadness.gr on 11th July

Facing the final countdown ( left only some hours ) before my first over-atlantic trip to the native country of the Inc(k)as and Mayan people i have to make my last update note for this summer time ..
As i poet i have to advice mt readres that ..
Insanity pushes at your brain farther across the line which seperates life and death.
Voices chat their games to you and you soon feel their cold breath on your neck as tiny hairs that stand on end.
No ones there you see but blinded by the blinding pain of your soul.
Another fresh coat of red on your arms they paint and no one else feels the burning touch as they run corse fingers though your hair.
Sweet whispers sin you can't run anymore.
Cornered as images blur through tears.
Scream out your last breath.
Just say a martiric hello to you fears..

You only have to let me see through your eyes or else.. give me yours.
Remember my shadow is still upon you ..

The website was attacked by hackers last saturday .. We all try to replace the fuctionality of the server and soon we will be back online ..

So as about the old updates ..

- There were made some modifications on the user's page Scarytale and there were added 3 more text in her 2005 poetry and a entire new directory with her work in russian ( russkij ) that includes more than 100 poems, passages, thoughts and translations. That was a really hard work for me to realize as i had to refresh my cyrillic capabilities .. :)

- There were made some radical modifications on the user's page SoJourn as for the navigation part and directories .. He is still trying to think about how his webpage will look better .. It is tragic .. and makes me feel so angry :p ..

- Sadness.gr welcomes her new member Desease_00 and present to the public for the first time her work ..

- There were made some modifications on the user's page The Jester that had to do with the classification of his work in directories and the presence of 3 thubnails in his main page.

- The sadness.gr user named Dionisis Leimontis presents his new passage in his personal page.

- The sadness.gr user named Uba Rosa presents her new poem Night's Sigh on the category Dream Capsule dedicated to Dream Collector and we made some corrections on some old pages of her ..

- There were made some modifications on the sadness index pages that had to do with the adding of the russian menu, a work made by the help of our member Scarytale .

- For the first time we proudly present the Elf version ( Quenya ) of our page a work made by the help of our member Scarytale .

- There were made some modifications on the user's page Flying Carpet that had to do with the reduction of the web space in our data base's directory. That modification was done by reducing the quality of their discography in mp3 files from 128kbps at 48kbps for 2 reasons, firstly more easy to download as the files from became 3 times more small and second we freed about 50mb of web space to be used from other users too since we are expanding our friends in all over the world. I tried to do my best non to mess with the sound quality and present to every visitor a fine presentation in image and sound quality.

- For the first time we proudly present the Comic gothic art page a personal work made by the help of our member Scarytale . So do not miss it ..

- People .. keep updated on my small trips all over the world by visiting the website's photogallery as for this July i will be in Guadalajara - Mexico .

No further datas about the web statistics of the page for this month due to the hack attack ..

Wish you ALL a nice and GOTHIC SUMMER ..

2Comments :

Anonymous Ανώνυμος wrote ...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

1/10/2010 12:16:00 π.μ.  
Anonymous Ανώνυμος wrote ...

Good post and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you as your information.

3/14/2010 06:21:00 π.μ.  

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