
Sadness.gr is changing face ...


Living the lonlness, i felt people's hands round my neck ready to kill me with their presence but in the same time, felt them so away than my brain can imagine.

Love, my friend, this fantastic and spooky feeling, is our only ally to this eternal fight for freedom, truth and happyness.
It is the only power that has the force to put pieces together, to destroy and to give birth. It is the only thing that is still in an eternal war inside of us with our alma..

Just think that not even the blank will exist without love.
Culture is nothing without love.

They learned us to hate it as they know that it will make us free.
They learn us to deny it, as they want us not to be evolved.
They learn us it wrong, as they want as hate it.
They call us sick and fragile as they think bad and egoistic.
All words of a sick society that has transformed love in a tv game, in animal instict, in a cheap song, in something commercial, in a religion sin.

But this eternal, timeless, healthy word of love, presents itself inside of us as we feel it every time we dream.

The result of their effords?
We fell in love with the shadow and not with the essence of the light that makes it.
We fell in love with with everything unstable and we do not care for that eternal.
That means that this kind of love has no future and it is cursed to loss, as to be born again and again in the same sequence without arriving to the real essence.

To fell in love with shadows is not bad ( we did it too with us )
But to spend all of our lives with shadows, this is bad.
We forgot everything and now we are called to remember every thing.

It is hard and difficult, i know.
If we do not pass from the darkness of that shadow we will not love the presence of light in our lifes.

Many years ago, i didn't care as i was in the shadow.
Then you came in my life and i found my misures off my borders.
Now i know that the light i saw, it was because of you, as you made me leave from the shadow that i was living.

So nothing is impossible my friend ...
The only thing that is important, is how we are going to handle it the right moment ...

And that moment is only few days away ( at least for me ) .. and you know that time is still relevant ..


Based on many thoughts last few months, i decided to update and reconstruct all the webpage adding new features for making it more user friendly.

So do not hesitate to visit us once again ...

Thank you all ...